Help me find therapist

You need help finding a therapist and don’t know where to start? Is this the first time you have ever had to do something like this? Are you already overwhelmed? You don’t know what you’re looking for in a therapist or what questions to ask. This is exactly why you’ve put off looking for a therapist for so long. It’s something you don’t want to do and will take too much time out of your day. You give up before you’ve started.

All you want to know is:
Who to call?
Are they taking new clients?
Do they take your insurance?
How much do they charge per session? (If they don’t take insurance.)
How soon can you make an appointment?

What if I told you that you don’t have to worry about calling around? You don’t have to worry about leaving voicemails or sending emails. You don’t have to worry about following up or waiting days to hear back from someone.

Sound too easy?
Don’t let the anticipated stress of finding a therapist get in your way of FINDING a therapist.

Let my support team do all the calling around for you!

*Please note: This service connects you with therapists only. We cannot guarantee your success in the therapeutic process. This service is not appropriate for everyone.

Are we a fit for you? Contact us today to schedule your discovery call.

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We look forward to working with you!