it’s not just therapy.

It’s Personal.

Therapy in Fresno, CA

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Big journeys begin with small steps.

Therapy is hard. But it’s also a process.

You don’t start with the BIG stuff in therapy. Much like riding a bike, you start small.

Training wheels at first, and someone to walk alongside you.

You’re hesitant, guarded…

…opening up to someone new, only a little at a time.

After a while, you no longer need the constant companion and reassurance that what you’re doing is right.

You gain confidence, even if you fall, you know someone is there to catch you.

Before you know it, the training wheels come off.

And you’re yelling, “OK, I’m ready! Let go!”

Small steps, can still get you to your destination, as long as you continue to put one foot in front of the other.

What’s your story?

There was a time when you had direction.

Your family saw it, your friends. You knew that one day, you were going to end up where you always dreamed you would be.

You had goals remember?

And NO ONE could stand in your way.

Even then, you remember having some anxious thoughts or days when you felt a little low. But now, well, it’s almost who you’ve become.

Your anxiety can overpower you, the depression sucks out what little energy you have for the day.

You want help. You just want to be “normal.”

Hi, I’m Priscilla.

I’m so glad you found me!

You’re not alone. We’re in this together.

This wasn’t an easy decision for you, and I’m sure you’ve thought about it a while.

It takes courage to do what you’re doing. I’m proud of you.

You’ve taken the first step to a happier you.

Just know you’re not alone. I AM your person for the duration of this process. Yeah, yeah… I know, totally sounds corny, but it’s true!

This process is personal. It’s yours.

And I’m dedicated to help you navigate. It’s not all tears and uncomfortable feelings. There’s also happiness, laughter, and breakthroughs!

You need to get to the cause of what’s been holding you back. Why is there resistance to change? What are your barriers? As the saying goes “Don’t put off until tomorrow, what you can do today!”

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

It’s easy to keep doing what you’re doing. But then, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. How’s that worked out for you so far?

Not so good. Right?

All therapists know the toughest part for any client is getting through the door to our office. Once that happens, the worst part is over, and the work starts.

It all starts with you.

CHALLENGE yourself.

Once you’re in therapy, you have the opportunity to grow as a person, engage in introspection, discover more about YOU and what you’re capable of.

You have to ask yourself, what’s scarier? Never starting therapy because you’re afraid of what you might have to face? OR Living your life, without change, the SAME way you’ve been living, for the rest of your life?

Life lessons. Tools you can use.

I use a powerful combination of coping skills, mindfulness, behavior modification and trauma work. You’ll be able to use the things you learn in therapy for the rest of your life.


Don’t put off the inevitable any longer!

If you didn’t want change you wouldn’t have read this far! All that’s left for you to do is call.

Here’s a FREE life lesson and tool you can use today…

The 3 Cs in life:

Choice. Chance. Change.

You must make the choice,
To take the chance,
If you want anything in
Life to change.

See you soon!

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Appointment Today!

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